Event to promote health well attended

Published 12:05 pm Thursday, July 5, 2018

by Frank A. Davis

Chalk up another successful Franklin Wellness Fun Day in the record book. Close to 300 youth and adults enjoyed the day even with the extreme heat of the day. The Western Tidewater Community Services Board, in partnership with the Franklin Southampton Wellness Coalition, sponsored the event on Saturday at Armory Drive Recreational Park.

Many community groups and organizations that are members of the coalition were out in large numbers with their canopies sit up to provide plenty of handouts about health awareness information. The main stage was the scene of some foot-stomping old-school music provided by the Peoples Choice Band of Hampton. Also, arousing many handclaps and appreciation was the first public appearance of the Sunshine Ladies and King models of the Oak Street senior citizens program. Girlie McCauley, recreation assistant of the Franklin Department of Parks & Recreation, served as the commentator of the group as her high fashion models stepped to the music modeling a wide collection of clothes.

Tre Ellis Coefield was the keynote speaker and he delivered a message for all.

Topping the day was the arrival in Franklin on the Armory Drive Park football field with the landing of the Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance of Sentara Healthcare. A large number of both youth and adults were present to watch the landing and to view the helicopter and talk with the crew.

The members of Celebration Church and their pastor, the Rev. Anthony Rawling, were out in large numbers and prepared hot dogs and snacks for all in attendance.