Make your voice heard
Published 11:29 am Saturday, June 23, 2018
Southampton County residents would benefit by attending the Board of Supervisors session on Monday, and most especially the community meeting next Thursday. During the first will be a preview of three proposed road projects that could affect people and businesses, specifically on U.S. Route 58 between Camp Parkway and Jerusalem Road in Courtland. The second, also in the board’s meeting room, is anticipated to give more details about those projects, answer questions and invite input about which, if any, should get priority. There’s also the option of saying no to any of these at this time.
Were money not an issue — and when has that ever happened? — then asking for all three might not be an unreasonable request. But in addition to price, there are also concerns about congestion reduction, economic development and land use need to be considered, especially where the SMART SCALE is concerned. That’s the process used by the Commonwealth Transportation Board to weigh what projects merit priority.
We strongly encourage attendance and comment at both gatherings to give both the supervisors and CTB information that can help decide which project, if any, should be started sooner or later.