An important lesson in customer service

Published 1:08 pm Saturday, June 2, 2018

To the Editor:

I read with interest an article in Friday’s paper [“Lessons I learned working in a country store.” May 25, 2018. Dr. Charles Qualls.]

Thank you, Dr. Qualls, for the gentle reminders, especially the second point your father made: “Make it as easy as you can for your customers to do business with you.” … you never park in front of your own door, son.

“That’s for your customers.”

Maybe we all need to work in a country store.

I, as a business owner, am right there with your father. I do not park my car in front of my store — I leave it for my customers.

They are more important than I am. I only wish more business owners would take a lesson from your father.

Thank you again; I always make sure I read your column.

Juanita Richards
Richwood Graphics