Who loves their pets? We do

Published 11:48 am Saturday, April 7, 2018

Every dog, fish, cat and bird, etc., get their day if you have one or more of them as companions. According to www.nationaltoday.com, Wednesday is reportedly National Pet Day.

Man’s best friend also gets National Hug Your Dog Day (Tuesday), though we think every day should be dedicated to the pleasure of letting your canines know how much you love them. Oh, April 25 is International Guide Dog Day.

Cats get their own day, but not until Monday, Oct. 29, so mark it now on your calendar.

We had been pitched a story to ask readers their preference. The site representative claims that 45 percent of Americans have dogs, and 30 percent own — excuse us — take care of cats. Can there ever be a resolution to the debate of dogs versus cats?

No, and nor should they be. We’ll let this editorial suffice, but if you want to chime in, feel free with a letter to the editor.

If you already have a pet, then you know the joys and frustrations they bring with them, but all that comes with the territory. Thinking about adopting an animal? As we’ve advised before, do your research to ensure you can accommodate and afford one.

Expect that patience, lots of patience, will be required in their training and care. You can also expect heartache, but that too comes with the privilege of caring for an animal as a pet.