Board writes off uncollectible debts
Published 10:34 am Friday, March 30, 2018
There comes a time when trying to collect on debts is more trouble than its worth. That was the unanimous decision of the Southampton Board of Supervisors on Monday.
Such customers have likely died or moved without leaving a forwarding address, into another state or even a nursing home, etc.
Mike Johnson, county administrator, informed the members that the auditing firm of Creedle, Jones & Alga, P.C., had advised that the county write off certain uncollectible utility debts. This should be done periodically, said Johnson, so that the annual financial report doesn’t overstate accounts receivable in the enterprise fund.
The last time this write-off was required was in June 2016.
The principal amount was less than $6,000, but accumulated interest and penalties pushed that to $8,521.34.
Johnson added that should any of those customers return to open other accounts, they will have to pay their charges, penalties and interest through the time that board writes off that debt.
In other financially related matters, the supervisors also agreed to appropriate $181,294.38 in revenue from various sources to the Southampton County Public School system.
The money has been received and no new money is required.
The board also gave authorization for the County to pay its monthly bills.