Morton deserves to be remembered
Published 10:37 am Friday, March 23, 2018
A couple of weekends ago in Franklin, a roadside marker was unveiled and dedicated to the memory of Pauline Cauthorne Morton.
Appropriately, the familiar silvered-colored plaque was mounted between two landmarks: Paul D. Camp Community College and the Ruth Camp Campbell Memorial Library, both on North College Drive.
Each is dedicated to a trait that helped define Morton’s character and life’s mission, which was an unquenchable desire to learn.
The plaque and service were organized by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., which was also fitting since that organization is likewise dedicated to scholarship.
The group was well represented by the Lambda Psi Omega chapter in Franklin and Southampton, and the Zeta Epsilon Omega chapter from Suffolk; Morton was, not surprisingly, a founding member of both.
During the preceding ceremony, speaker after speaker got up to reminisce about Morton, each noting her devotion to education as well as social activism. To hear of Morton spoken about so lovingly was enough to make a person wish that they had at met her at least once.
Thinking back on the program brings to mind that Western Tidewater needs more women — and men — such as Morton; people to inspire others to achieving greatness through education and service.