In the dark: Prayers for dark times
Published 12:34 pm Saturday, March 17, 2018
by Andrew Book
We all have dark times in our lives. Sometimes, they are dark simply because we cannot see — we don’t know what is going on. Other times, they are dark because of betrayal, pain, trauma, heartbreak, or other ways this world has hurt us.
In the midst of our darkness, God invites us to come in prayer, to share our pain, and seek God in the midst of the darkness.
Throughout Lent, you are invited to pray with the psalmists and with Jesus as they face their own dark times. As you read through the prayer for each day, offer these words as your prayer, seeking God’s light in your darkness.
Date; Scripture
Sunday, March 18: Psalm 94
Monday, March 19: Psalm 71
Tuesday, March 20: Psalm 10
Wednesday, March 21: Psalm 141
Thursday, March 22: Psalm 43
Friday, March 23: Psalm 90
Saturday, March 24: Psalm 61
Sunday, March 25: Psalm 89
Monday, March 26: Psalm 9
Tuesday, March 27: Psalm 140
Wednesday, March 28: Psalm 58
Thursday, March 29: Psalm 143
Friday, March 30: Matthew 28:46; Psalm 22
Saturday, March 31: Matthew 26:36-46
ANDREW BOOK is the pastor of Courtland United Methodist Church. He can be contacted at 653-2240 or