General Assembly session update

Published 11:25 am Saturday, January 27, 2018

by Emily Brewer

Week 3

The 2018 General Assembly Session is now concluding its third week. Several very important bills have already passed through the House and are on the way to the Senate. This week I will be providing you updates on several key issues we are working hard to address.


Republicans lead on adoption reform

This week the House of Delegates passed three adoption bills that will help more children find loving adoptive parents. The first bill I introduced, HB 241, was one of the three bills and it passed unanimously with bi-partisan support. House Bill 241 reduces from three to two years the amount of time a child must continuously reside with a close relative before the adoption process can begin.

House Bill 227 requires courts to consider the results of a national criminal history background check conducted on the prospective adoptive parent.

The legislation comes in response to a case in Virginia Beach where a young female was found dead from an overdose. After an investigation, it was learned that her adoptive parent had a long felony criminal history.

The third bill, House Bill 291, simplifies access to adoption files regarding court orders for adoptees and/or adopters so they can more easily obtain personal vital records.

In closing

I encourage you to keep in touch with me and my office over the coming weeks. I value the feedback you provide on a continual basis as it helps me do a better job of representing you.

You can email me at DelEBrewer@House.Virginia.Gov or call me at 804-698-1064. You can also join the conversation on our social media pages on Facebook or Twitter.

I will be providing you weekly updates during the 2018 General Assembly Session, and will be meeting with constituent groups after session to report on the session and take questions.