Two horrible actions for Republicans

Published 10:31 am Wednesday, December 13, 2017

by Rick Jensen

President Trump won the election as a populist. He excoriated everyone else in the primaries. His voters loved him for calling out Clinton as “Crooked Hillary.”

His campaign was built upon ridiculing the Washington elitists, including a major political media rightly perceived as fawning over Democrats and liberals until those Democrats’ or liberals’ follies were beyond ignoring.

The insiders recoiled as millions cheered as Trump laid bare every other candidate’s weaknesses, including chastising Hillary for aiding and abetting her husband’s abuse of women.

When Democratic Senator Al Franken’s physical abuse of women became photographically undeniable, Trump tweeted to the world, “Frankenstein.”

When House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi circled the Democratic Party wagons around Frankengroper and Democratic Senator John Conyers, Americans — including me — called her out on her partisan hypocrisy as she cried for her Democrats to rally around “due process” while convicting Republican Roy Moore as a “child molester” without any due process.

Since then, two horrible actions for the Republican Party occurred.

First, Pelosi gave in to public pressure to call for Conyers to resign, as multiple accusers (and a paper trail of a settlement to a former aide) came forth.

Then, Trump completely destroyed any moral advantage for the Republicans.

While Alabama Republicans were isolated by the rest of the party in defending Moore, Trump put on his designer muck boots and joined the Alabama swamp.

He endorsed Moore.


Because, like the Democrats, he would sacrifice truth, honor and respect for political office for the expediency of ensuring votes for his agenda.

It’s the same reason the National Organization for Women and other such groups defended Bill Clinton against charges of rape and abuse; Clinton promised to support their political causes.

Trump’s hypocrisy is endorsing a man with multiple accusations of predatory behavior, including rolling around in his underwear with a 14 year-old girl while he was in his thirties.

Has Moore been prosecuted? No, and we’re not talking about putting anyone in jail or losing their job due to some presumably jilted lover.

We’re talking about serving in the U.S. Senate, where perverts and abusers have often prowled and sometimes have been forced out when discovered.

Sometimes they’re actually reelected, like Fred Richmond of New York, whom Democrats sent back to the U.S. House of Representatives following his arrest for soliciting a 16 year-old boy.

Do voters want ethical representation or do they just want what they want when they want it  and they want it now?

When it comes to Moore and Republican votes in Congress, there are a lot of Republican voters willing to “go tribal” and defend Moore.

We’ve all heard and read Moore defenders saying the charges are “40 years old” and “why now?” and “all the women voted for Hillary” (They didn’t. Two reportedly voted for Trump.)

Some seem to truly believe all of these women are paid Democrat party operatives.

Sure, Democratic operatives have openly admitted to fomenting violence at Trump rallies, but it seems quite a stretch to presume all of these women are paid operatives, willing to face conviction of false accusations.

Here’s something else Trump has sacrificed for the expediency of a guaranteed vote for his policies.

Should Moore be elected to the Senate, Republicans will have a harder time repairing their brand than Democrats.

Historically, Republican voters have been less likely to return alleged and accused sexual offenders to Congress and the Presidency than Democrats.

That hasn’t hurt Democrats in the long run … or in the short-term, either.

Conyers has already tag-teamed his son to replace him and Minnesota’s Democratic Governor will simply appoint another Democrat.

And despite Trump’s capricious capacity for inventing invectives, I doubt many Congressional Republicans would publicly refer to Al Franken as “Frankenstein” during the final weeks leading to his presumed resignation.

It would be no surprise if gavel-wielding Democrats would grandstand for the press in meetings, sessions and hearings acknowledging Roy Moore in the most Pelosi-inspired way, saying, “The Chair recognizes the child molester from Alabama.”

RICK JENSEN is an annoying, award-winning Delaware talk show host and equally annoying national columnist. Email