Board’s vote opens opportunities for all
Published 12:05 pm Saturday, October 28, 2017
To the Editor:
Whether it was to protect the property values of citizens of Southampton County, to maintain an asset for economic development and a recruitment and sales tool for area businesses, or to provide another avenue of safe recreation for children and adults alike, the Board of Supervisors’ vote Monday night to enter into an agreement with Cypress Cove Country Club will more than likely be a net gain to the Southampton County budget. If this community loses a golf course, whether public or private, the loss will be immeasurable and irreplaceable.
There were many people who rose to speak at the board of supervisors meeting Monday night who were opposed, and had suggestions for how $30,000 could be better spent.
Prioritizing is not fun work; however, few suggestions for how to invest the same amount of money will yield a return, value and benefit to the taxpayers as great as this one.
Aside from the economic considerations of propping up homeowner value and maintaining the tax revenue generated from CCCC, the Board of Supervisors’ vote literally opens up the opportunity for every citizen to play golf in Southampton County. Go out and play! It’s a great place to walk safely, enjoy nature and learn a life sport.
Lynne Rabil