Collaboration welcome on 460 issues
Published 11:37 am Friday, October 27, 2017
Now that the threat of the former 460 project has securely been vanquished — we’re optimistic — it’s time for Windsor to concentrate on making improvements to the existing artery through the town.
Recently, Virginia Department of Transportation hosted a public meeting in Windsor High School to show early results of a safety and operations study of the corridor. The two-phase safety assessment is still underway, evaluating the corridor from the town of Windsor’s western limits near Lover’s Lane to 1,500 feet west of the U.S. 58 interchange in the city of Suffolk.
Naturally, input was sought from residents who know 460 all too well.
A VDOT representative said the agency could take care of some recommendations, such as road markings and signage. But larger projects, like adding needed turn lanes, will require the town leaders to present them to the Smart Scale program. That grades the necessity, cost and other pertinent factors to determine if and when funding could be made available for such tasks.
All this brought to mind that in early 2016, traffic engineer Walter Kulash, working on behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center for the Town of Windsor, had proposed an alternative plan for the section of Route 460 that runs through the town’s borders when the 460 bypass was still being considered.
We’re encouraged that Windsor and VDOT are working together more cooperatively this time to solve transportation concerns, and look forward to reporting their progress.