Paul D. Camp to hold open house for truck driving students

Published 12:44 pm Saturday, September 9, 2017

by Wendy Harrison

Paul D. Camp Community College is now making it more convenient for those who want to receive training in order to work as a truck driver.

“We have begun a new partnership with Shipper’s Choice to deliver all of the truck driver classroom training at our Hobbs Suffolk Campus and the driving happens just a short distance down the road from the campus,” said PDCCC Workforce Development Director Angela Lawhorne.

“This is a flexible, non-credit certification program.”

In addition, the new offering entails a comprehensive, 160-hour program (80 hours classroom and 80 hours hands-on training) that provides the skills needed to work in the field. Lawhorne said, “Graduates receive free lifetime job placement assistance to graduates and lifetime refresher training.”

An Open House will be held at the campus on Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., for prospective students, partners and employers to attend. Participants will have the opportunity to view the tractor trailer vehicles, meet PDCCC President Dr. Dan Lufkin, Shipper’s Choice Director of Education Ed Henk, instructors, employers and partners. Light refreshments will also be available.

Upon successful completion of the course, students attain a Class A Commercial Driver’s License (DCL), a credential that is recognized by related industries. Sessions of classes start every four weeks Monday through Fridays, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in room 117 at the Hobbs Suffolk Campus, 271 Kenyon Road.

The full tuition cost is $4,500 Grants and other financial assistance are available to offset tuition.

For more information, email or call 569-6050.

WENDY HARRISON is the media specialist for Paul D. Camp Community College. She can be reached at