Soccer camp focused on coming back against odds
Published 9:37 am Saturday, September 2, 2017
- Children who played in the Super Kids Soccer Camp of Rock Church learned to work as a team.
Megan Woodward
Rock Church had yet another successful year at Super Kids Soccer Camp. There were kids ranging from new soccer players to others that have played most of their lives, ages 4-12. They learned how to dribble, pass, shoot and, most importantly, work as a team.
The theme this year was “Comeback.” When you’re down several points during a game and you rise up to take the lead before it’s game over, that’s a comeback. Through Bible stories, the kids were taught that you can have a comeback against all odds through Jesus and come out on top.
As a church, we went through something that we never thought we’d have to endure, the loss of Pastor Danny’s brother, Benjamin Dillon. God has been with us through it all, especially the family, and gives us the grace to rise up for a comeback. What should’ve knocked us down, has made us stronger because we trust and have faith in God.
Pastor Danny also shared this testimony and 11 to 13 kids accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It’s only through Jesus that we’re able to have a comeback!