Franklin-Southampton Chamber to host Blueprint 2025

Published 12:06 pm Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Franklin-Southampton Area Chamber of Commerce will host Blueprint 2025, The Virginia Chamber’s statewide, long-term economic development plan, on Wednesday, Aug. 16, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Regional Workforce Development Center at Paul D. Camp Community College, 100 N. College Drive, Franklin.

The plan will involve residents’ input and an analysis of state and regional economies to identify specific economic drivers to establish ambitious policy goals for growth. Additionally, the program will include a congressional update with Congressmen Bobby Scott (D-3rd) and Don McEachin (D-4th) to provide information on federal issues of importance to Virginia’s business community, and to respond to questions.

Virginia Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Barry Duval will also be in attendance.

Reservations are required. Chamber members may attend for $20 per person, and prospective members for $25 per person.

Attendees may also co-host as a Voice of Business Partner for $100, which includes two reservations with reserved seating, recognition from the podium and all printed materials.

Reservations include both the program and a networking lunch.

To make reservations, call 562-4900 or email