Campers experience 4-H spirit
Published 11:12 am Saturday, July 22, 2017
- These young girls make a splash during a fun-filled Hawaiian week at the Southeast District 4-H Educational Center of the Airfield Conference Center in Wakefield. More than 200 campers participated in classes, fishing archery, cooking, swimming, performing arts, marksmanship and more. -- Submitted | Kim Atkinson
by Kim Atkinson
On June 26, Southampton and Isle of Wight 4-H Programming said “Aloha!” to over 200 campers and began their fun-filled, Hawaiian week at the Southeast District 4-H Educational Center of the Airfield Conference Center in Wakefield.
The kids participated in different classes throughout the week such as robotics, fishing, archery, cooking, swimming, performing arts, shotgun, plus many more.
Not only did the campers make new friends, but they also practiced the Six Pillars of 4-H Character — Respect, Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship — while learning some new life skills.
With the help of Airfield’s trained summer staff, Southampton and Isle of Wight’s trained counselors, volunteers and Extension agents, the youth were engaged the entire week and left camp on June 30 with the 4-H spirit down in their hearts to stay!
KIM ATKINSON is the associate Extension agent for 4-H Youth Development in both Isle of Wight and Southampton counties. Contact her at, or 653-2572 or 365-6258, respectively.