Published 10:10 am Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, July 17, 2017 to consider the following:
The application of Richard W. and Tandy Coyle, owners, for a change in zoning classification from Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) to Rural Residential (RR) of 19.49 acres of land. The purpose of the application is to create two (2) single family residential lots on the northeast side of River Run Trail (Rt. 614), .4 mile north of the intersection of Walters Highway (Rt. 258). Part of Tax Parcel Identification Number 58-01-132.
The application of William E. Birdsong, applicant, Thomas, Jr. & Deborah Jones and Donald & Carolyn Little, owners, for a change in zoning classification from Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) to Rural Residential (RR) of 5 acres of land. The purpose of the application is to create one (1) single family residential lot on the north side of Mill Swamp Road (Rt. 626), approximately 1 mile west of Wrenn’s Mill Road (Rt. 677). Part of Tax Parcel Identification Number 12-01-054.
The application of Tidewater Custom Modular Homes, Inc. (John Glover), applicant, and Clarice J. Chapman, owner, for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan of 1.00 acre of land located at 22080 Brewer’s Neck Boulevard, on the property with Tax Parcel Identification Number 33-01-195B. The purpose of the application is to change the Land Use Designation from Suburban Estate (SE) to Business and Employment (BE).
The application of Tidewater Custom Modular Homes, Inc. (John Glover), applicant, and Clarice J. Chapman, owner, for conditional zoning of 1.00 acres of land located at 22080 Brewer’s Neck Boulevard, on the property with Tax Parcel Identification Number 33-01-195B. The purpose of the application is to change the zoning classification from Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) to Conditional General Commercial (C-GC) for purposes of constructing an office building.
Copies of said applications are on file in the Department of Planning and Zoning at the Isle of Wight County Courthouse Complex, Isle of Wight, Virginia, and are available for public examination.
Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his or her views with respect to said applications may appear before and be heard by said Board of Supervisors during the Public Hearing to be held in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Board Room at the Isle of Wight County Courthouse Complex on Monday, July 17, 2017. The public meeting is scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m.
The County of Isle of Wight is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you will require an accommodation or sign language interpreter to participate in the meeting, reasonable accommodations can be made upon request. Please make requests to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting at (757) 365-6204.