Let’s strengthen a refuge together
Published 9:40 am Friday, April 28, 2017
The Genieve Shelter, of which we’ve written about much in the past, is dedicated to protecting victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault and stalking. Children’s services, counseling, a crisis hotline and emergency shelter are among its programs these past few decades.
The agency provides its services free to clients, and looks to the public for donations, which include money, clothes and personal care products, etc.
To build up support, the shelter is working this Saturday with both local biker groups and the Franklin Tri-County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. The sorors already have a history of contributing to Genieve Shelter in keeping with the national organization’s directive
The first activity is the MC Poker Run, which begins at CrossPointe Church in Suffolk. That concludes in Franklin where the sorority is hosting the second event, its inaugural run/walk at Paul D. Camp Community College. Registration begins at 9 a.m. for each event. You can contact the shelter at 925-4365 for details.
You can help by participating in one or the other, maybe even both if logistics allow you.
All contributions will strengthen the shelter financially and enable it to continue serving victims of domestic violence. They’ll get the services that provide shelter and the means to escape a dangerous situation.
Call Kisha Watford at 650-8441 or Angela Artis at 620-4434 for details about the run/walk. You can also visit www.thegenieveshelter.org to learn more about that organization.