March IW Achievers recognized

Published 10:20 am Monday, March 13, 2017

Isle of Wight Achievers recognized during the March IWCS school board meeting included members of the Windsor High School Beta Club, the Georgie Tyler Middle School Junior Beta Club, members of Smithfield High School’s wrestling team and indoor track team, and Hardy Elementary second grader Katherine Kirk.

Windsor High’s and Georgie Tyler’s beta clubs were each recognized for participating in the state convention in February, both winning several awards. Windsor High students Jacob Machner, Emily Post, Lexy Massey and Morgie Lovett received first place in Fresh Look at Beta and Noah Smith received a $500 scholarship. The club as a whole also received the Gold Key Club award for clubs with a 10 percent increase in convention attendance.

Georgie Tyler student Jared Littlefield received first place in sculpture and Cameron King received first place in woodworking.

SHS wrestlers recognized included Stan Smeltzer, who placed first in the 182 pound weight class; Tyler Sharon, who placed second in the 152 pound class; Samuel Feliciano, who placed third in the 145 pound class and Mason Parker, who placed fourth in the 113 pound class. SHS track athletes recognized were Jeremy Allen and Arieana Parker, both of whom placed at the states competition.

Kirk was recognized for writing and publishing a children’s book titled “The Serious 4.”

Seniors of the month included Emily Guilford of Windsor High School, who is a team captain for VHSL Forensics and participates on the competitive VHSL theater team as a student director, and Sarah Lemon of Smithfield High School, who assumed a leadership role in organizing Smithfield’s Beta Club for this year’s convention.

Elizabeth Denoncourt, the school nurse at Windsor High, was named the ABCD (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty) employee for the second quarter. As part of her award, Denoncourt will receive a $50 Visa gift card thanks to the support of the Woman’s Club of Smithfield.