Masonic districts 31, 32 host banquet
Published 10:28 am Wednesday, February 22, 2017
by Merle Monahan
Contributing Writer
Representatives of nine different Masonic Lodges from Masonic Districts 31 and 32 gathered on Feb. 3 at the Airfield 4-H Center to attend the annual banquet honoring the State Grand Master’s official visit.

Grand Master Stuart Cook, left, with Charles “PInky’ Bland, who was was awarded 60-year Emblem for his years as a Mason. — Submitted | Merle Monahan
Nearly 200 people, Masons, their wives and about a dozen widows of Masons, as well as the Smithfield Assembly No. 5 International Order of the Rainbow Girls, were on hand to welcome Most Worshipful Vernon Stuart Cook, the 172nd Grand Master of Masons in Virginia.
He was introduced by District Deputy Grand Master Right Worshipful Thomas R. Bumgardner III from the Masonic 31st District and District Deputy Grand Master Right Worshipful James W. Hart Sr. from the Masonic 32nd Masonic District.
Grand Master Cook began his talk by introducing the Masonic officers and their wives, followed by the widows of Masons and other guests. All were asked to stand.

Grand Master Stuart Cook, right, congratulates Charles “Pinky” Bland on his 60-year service award as a Mason.
“It is wonderful to see so many of you here,” he said. It was noted that this was the largest attendance for the State Grand Master’s visit in several years.
A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a 60-year service award to Charles William “Pinky” Bland of the Windsor Purdie Lodge No. 170.
In presenting the award, a 60-year emblem, Grand Master Cook, congratulated Bland for his dedication and thanked him for his years of service.
Indeed, Bland’s service as a Mason is impressive.
He served as Worshipful Master of the Purdie Lodge No. 170 in 1962 and as District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 31 in 1974.
For the Purdie Lodge, he served as secretary for eight years and as treasurer for 31 years. He continues as Right Worshipful Charles “Pinky” Bland.
In concluding the program, Grand Master Cook, spoke about the history of the Masons and mentioned the many ways they contribute to the community.