Southampton County Planning Commission
Published 12:02 pm Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended that the Southampton County Planning Commission will hold public hearings on Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Southampton County Office Center at 26022 Administration Center Drive in Courtland, Virginia to consider the following:
1. An amendment to Chapter 18 of the Southampton County Code to add Article XX, Mixed Use Districts, Sec. 18-600 through 18-612, Planned Office and Industrial (PO-1) District.
a. Sec. 18-600, Intent
b. Sec. 18-601, Permitted uses
c. Sec. 18-602, Conditions prerequisite to application
d. Sec. 18-603, Site planning
e. Sec. 18-604, Setbacks
f. Sec. 18-605, Buffers
g. Sec. 18-606, Maximum building and lot coverage
h. Sec. 18-607, Building height
i. Sec. 18-608, Access
j. Sec. 18-609, Parking and loading
k. Sec. 18-610, Design guidelines
l. Sec. 18-611, Supplementary requirements
m. Sec. 18-612, Phasing plan
Documents are available in the Franklin Southampton Community Development office in Franklin City Hall and the Southampton County Administration office in Courtland.
Any persons desiring to speak in favor of or opposition to the above referenced application(s) are encouraged to appear and be heard at the aforementioned time and place. Any persons wishing to attend this hearing who may require auxiliary aids should contact Michael W. Johnson, County Administrator at (757) 653-3015 (voice) or (757) 653-3013 (TDD), preferably seven days prior to the hearing.
Southampton County Planning Commission
Beth Lewis, AICP, Secretary