Southampton Academy thanks local heroes

Published 8:53 am Friday, September 30, 2016

Southampton Academy buzzed with excitement this week as students and staff honored area law enforcement officers and first responders as heroes in our community. Throughout the week, law enforcement personnel, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics were thanked for service.

Several first responders visited SA’s campus where they were greeted with hugs and cards of appreciation for all that they do to keep us safe. Adam Tuck, paramedic with Capron Volunteer Fire and Rescue, visited PK3 and PK4 students on Monday.  Tuck explained to students about the work of first responders. Students were particularly eager to see the bandages used by paramedics!

Southampton Academy students thank the Southampton County Sheriff’s Department for their service.

Southampton Academy students thank the Southampton County Sheriff’s Department for their service.

Matt Nixon arrived via fire truck to introduce PK4 students to the role of firefighters in the community.  Nixon is employed with Suffolk Fire and Rescue and volunteers with the Courtland Fire Department. His visit sparked enthusiasm among students for the upcoming Fire Prevention Week. Smiles prevailed when Capt. Nixon promised students that he would visit again soon with his fire truck.

First graders learned the important roles of community helpers on Tuesday with a visit from Deputy Bob Carr from the Southampton County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Carr explained about calling 911, avoiding bullying, and using gun safety. Students proudly chanted, “Don’t touch; tell an adult,” the phrase Carr taught them to use if they happen to find a gun. Deputy Carr stressed to first graders that policeman and firefighters are helpers. “The best part of my job is to help people,” said Carr.

To show Southampton Academy’s appreciation to local law enforcement, representatives from the Honor Council, middle and upper school Student Government Associations, and SADD presented goodies from the middle school along with cards and banners of thanks from the lower and upper schools to Sgt. Hunt Story with the town of Courtland and to the Southampton County Sheriff’s Department.  On their surprise visit to thank the Sheriff’s Department, students received a guided tour of the squad room from Capt. Josh Wyche. Students were thrilled to hear that the banners would hang in the squad room so all the deputies could see them.

“The Southampton Academy community is grateful to and blessed by the dedicated men and women who protect the students, faculty, and coaches of our school on a daily basis. Our region can anticipate a safe and prosperous future, thanks in large part to the professionalism and excellence of local law enforcement and first responders,” said Headmaster Scott Wasdin.