Petition filed, awaiting action from courts

Published 11:31 am Friday, August 19, 2016

Franklin City Attorney Taylor Williams has filed the petition to the courts to fill the ward 6 vacancy. This comes after council members were recently unable to come to a consensus on who would fill the seat.

“The State Code is very specific that council has a chance, but then it goes to the judges of the circuit court,” Williams had said when council still had the opportunity to agree on a candidate to fill the seat. “They’ll [the judges] act when they want to act.”

According to Williams, the petition was filed on Monday, Aug. 15, in the Southampton Circuit Court. He said at this time he has not heard back from the judges regarding a decision.

“There will be no court hearing, no presenting of evidence, no offering of names of potential candidates, no participation by anyone,” he continued. “The judges are on their own to proceed at their own pace to pick whomever they chose.

“There is also no appeal of the decision.”

Whoever is selected by the circuit court judges to fill the ward 6 vacancy will hold that seat until a special election can be held. The winner of the election will serve as the representative until the end of the term on June 30, 2018.

The Tidewater News will report on this subject as more information becomes available.