Group presents plan for potential solar farm in Boykins

Published 10:12 am Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Geenex Solar, a company based in Charlotte, North Carolina, has presented a plan for a potential solar farm to be placed in Boykins. Known as The Beetle Solar Project, it would take up 396 acres.

“Geenex is very happy to come to Southampton County. We aim to not only deliver reliable assets to our investors, but also strive to have a long-term positive impact to the community,” CEO Georg Veit said. “We choose our sites first by feasibility for interconnection, then by limiting impacts on the community. During the final design and permitting process, we further limit impacts on the neighborhood in close discussion with the community and government agencies.”

Geenex will use poly crystalline solar panels for the 40 MW AC solar farm and the substation will be on site.

According to the company, this project would bring several positive benefits to the county. It is expected to create numerous jobs during construction, and a few long-term ones as well.

“The spending on development and permitting of such a project provides a number of opportunities,” Veit continued. “Construction not only provides construction jobs, but [also] provides opportunities for local contractors and businesses, as well as increased economic activity in the area with hotels and restaurants being among the businesses benefitting.”

Geenex also believes that The Beetle Solar Project will produce clean, renewable energy, increasing the country’s supply.

“Working on a project that will deliver power through a technology that is not harmful to us or the environment is exiting,” Veit added. “The resource, the sun, is right here and will be here for a long, long time. That is what gives us our drive and dedication, and is what we want to share with you [Southampton County].”

Aside from the approval of the Southampton County Board of Supervisors, the project must also be reviewed and approved by the Army Corps of Engineers, Virginia Department of Environmental Stormwater and the Virginia Stormwater Management Program.

A potential timeline for The Beetle Solar Project is as follows:

• March 2017: Completion of development, start of procurement and mobilization

• June 2017: Start of construction

• March 2018: System completed and start of delivery of power

“The cost of solar has dropped dramatically over the last years, and we are now starting to compete with traditional sources of energy,” Veit said. “Virginia will see a tremendous growth in the solar industry with both large investments and job creation. Through training and education, we invite Southampton to take part in this growth.”

Geenex and its partners have a long history in the well developed and highly competitive German solar market. They describe themselves as strong team with German solar expertise with the American spirit and can-do attitude.

The company was formed in 2012 and is active as a developer throughout the east cost.

Anyone with questions regarding Geenex Solar or The Beetle Solar Project is encouraged to contact the company at or 704-817-0397.