Alzheimer’s Association organizes local fundraisers

Published 1:47 pm Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The local branch of the Alzheimer’s Association has planned several fundraisers that will be taking place within the next few weeks to help raise money for research and support programs.

A car wash will take place today at the Sunoco on Armory Drive. This particular event will begin at 9:30 a.m. Anyone who wishes to help wash vehicles is encouraged to show up.

The group has also scheduled several yard sales. The first one will be on Thursday, Aug. 18, beginning around 4 p.m. A variety of items will be sold including clothes, crotched and knitted items, homemade things, décor, bowls, glassware, glasses, a set of China, luggage and much more.

Fundraisers like these will continue to take place until Saturday, Sept. 17, which is the Western Tidewater Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

Anyone who would like to donate items to the yard sale or has any questions about the upcoming events is asked to call Diane Tobin at 556-2197 or 562-2501.