Council to consider several items

Published 11:45 am Saturday, August 6, 2016

With no public hearings scheduled for Tuesday’s meeting, Town Council can address residents’ concerns, as well as five items for discussion and possible action.

Town Manager Michael Stallings will first recommend that Council give him the OK to buy a new utility cart for the Public Works Department. The State of Virginia has a Polaris M1400 on contract. The vehicle would enable the staff to carry around more materials and tow up to 1,500 pounds. Reducing wear and tear on other vehicles is another benefit.

The $9,935.24 price tag was negotiated by the state, and there’s already $10,000 in the Town budget. The contract would be with Dominion Utility Vehicles in Bedford.

Secondly, Isle of Wight County is setting up a joint water task force that will include the county government as well as the towns of Windsor and Smithfield. Each Town is to appoint an elected official to serve on the panel.

Third, Council continues to review items for updating the Town Code.

Fourth, the board will review the Planning Commission’s recommendation concerning having poultry in the A-1 District. At last month’s meeting, the panel had a public hearing on the aforementioned topic. Walter Bernacki of Johnson Avenue was the only person to speak for the matter; there was no one against it. An amendment would allow chickens to be raised in A-1 land that’s at least five acres large and pens are at a minimum of 50 feet from the nearest property line to a lot or tract.

Finally, Planning has asked Council for guidance on whether or not to allow chickens and pot-bellied pigs to be kept in the R-1 Residential, High-Density Residential and Low-Density Residential districts. Bernacki has kept chickens at his property, reportedly for several years, but an anonymous complaint revealed that he was in violation. Following considerable discussion, the commissioners decided to refer the matter to Council for insight.

Windsor Town Council meets on Aug. 9 beginning at 7 p.m. in Council Chamber on 8 E. Windsor Blvd. Call 242-4288 for further questions.