Veterans of Foreign Wars post receives national All-American status

Published 1:34 pm Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Sgt. Jayton D. Patterson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4411 has received the All-American Status. This recognizes outstanding units based off participation in VFW programs and membership gains by posts, districts and departments.

“There are over 7400 VFW posts in the United States with over 185 in the State of Virginia,” Post Commander Scott Seddon said. “To receive All-State you have to participate in Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen and various other community programs, and be over 100 percent in your membership from the previous year. You also have to submit American Citizenship hours and monetary contributions. To make All-American you have to be in the top 35 in your division. We finished 10th and we are at 128 percent membership. We are also 100 percent retention.”

The VFW Franklin Post earned an “A” status in all areas, and received an award for largest membership increase in their class at the last state convention. The post also exceeded its membership goals, donated over $105,000 to charity, gave over 16,000 hours of service and traveled over 16,000 miles for service.

The post has hosted several community events throughout the year including Memorial and Veterans Day services, and co-hosted the weekly Franklin Cruise-In with the City of Franklin.

Most importantly though, the members serve local veterans in working to their needs

“The Post now humbly and excitedly has received recognition as an “All-American VFW Post for 2015,” Post Chaplain Tim Cormany said. “This is a fantastic event for the post and for the whole Virginia VFW District 2.

“The post could not have received such recognition without assistance of the local community and an outstanding post auxiliary,” he continued. “They do a lot of behind the scene work. Thank you to the president, Jeannie Harness, and all the auxiliary members.”

As far as future plans go, the post is very active in planning the Blackwater River Fest that will take place in 2017, as well as having a chili cook-off. The members are also working with the city to have a memorial area in Franklin that has service flags of all the branches of the service.

The post has goals of continuing to grow and serve. Anyone who is a veteran of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan or other conflicts, or is a direct relative of a such a veterans, is encouraged to join the organized or the auxiliary at the post building on Beaver Dam Road.