Ivor Volunteer Fire receives capital funding

Published 11:28 am Wednesday, June 29, 2016

During its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday night, the Southampton County Board of Supervisors granted a capital funding request from the Ivor Volunteer Fire Department seeking $14,000 to assist with upgrades to their firehouse.

“With our building close to 30 years old, we are in need of upgrading our flooring, ceiling tiles and kitchen area, as well as energy-efficient lighting throughout the building,” Ivor Fire Chief Carl Carner said.

The supervisors have appropriated more than $2.1 million for various fire and rescue improvements since 2000.

“Capital funding in specified amounts have been set aside annually for each fire department and rescue squad since Fiscal Year 2000,” county administrator Mike Johnson said. “These funds are held in escrow until a request to draw them down is approved by the board of supervisors. Escrowed funds continue to accrue for each department if they are not drawn down on an annual basis.”

Ivor is one of seven local fire and rescue departments for which the supervisors hold $14,000 in escrow each year, while Boykins, Capron and Franklin each receive $21,000. If a department chooses to not draw from these funds, they carry over to the next year.