Kids Kabs gets children where they need to go

Published 9:40 am Wednesday, May 11, 2016

As any parent knows, arranging family schedules can be a challenge. In addition to dropping off and picking up children from school, there’s all those afternoon activities, such as soccer, softball, tennis and so on and so forth. To help you with that, there’s Kids Kabs.

This is a relatively new organization intended to eliminate the work and worry of getting your youngsters to and from after-school or summer activities and events in a secure and timely manner.

Steph Woods, the manager, said the organization’s mission statement is “To support, empower and cultivate youth by providing safe, inspirational and educational activities and transportation for school-age children.”

That includes healthy opportunities for fun and learning through youth basketball and cheerleading.

Further, the vision for Kids Kabs is “To enhance and positively alter the vantage point of children living and going to school in high-risk areas. To become a support system for families who want to provide their children with experiences that challenge and change their outlook on life and their goals.”

All this came about because one adult’s love of children inspired him.

“I want to say I came up with the idea six months ago,” said Charles “C.C.” Cooper. “I love kids. I’ve been coaching little league football, interacting with kids in basketball and and football leagues for over 13 years.”

Although the idea of creating a transportation system for youth is his, Cooper credits Woods with the business name.

“Kids need transportation to activities like sports and different things at schools,” he continued. “Transportation is very limited in this area. I feel very comfortable for bridging that transportation gap.”

With one van and one car available, for now, there are two service areas. The first is in Franklin and Southampton County with a 20-mile radius in the city. Suffolk has one as well with 15-mile radius.

The cost to take a child one way is $5 apiece, and that price applies to both zones.

“I work very closely with all of my clients,” said Woods. “All of the drivers have background checks, have experience working with kids and with driving vehicles.”

Already a few people have registered for Kids Kabs, including Woods herself, who added, “I use the service for my daughter; I’m a single parent. She’s active in after-school sports. I’m working three jobs. The opportunity to use the service has been huge. For me, it’s peace of mind.”

In addition to transportation issues for children, Cooper and Woods are also greatly concerned that youngsters aren’t getting enough to eat. For that, they are forming Mobile Meals, to “fill a gap for nutrition,” as Cooper said. “We’re still trying to get that together.”

He anticipates starting the service of taking meals to children’s houses next summer.

Registration is required for Kids Kabs, and participation details are available at You may also call 653-6239 for more information.