Important decisions

Published 1:42 pm Saturday, April 30, 2016

Over the next eight days, Franklin residents have an enormous opportunity to help shape the city’s future. On Tuesday, voters will go to the polls and elect both a mayor and members of city council.

The following Monday, residents will have the opportunity to nominate potential school board members in two of the city’s six wards. Both events are incredibly important. We urge all those living in Franklin and eligible to vote to participate in the process.

Over the last three mayoral election cycles, a startlingly low number of voters have gone to their respective polling places and made their voices heard.

In 2010, 2012 and 2014 respectively, only 26, 32.5 and 17 percent of the city’s registered voters turned out. While the 2014 contest was an uncontested one, 17 percent is still an egregiously small number.

The decisions made by city council and school board members are, obviously, significant ones that impact everyone in the community.

The best possible outcomes occur when a majority of citizens get involved.

Please, take time over the next several days to make your voices heard. The future of the city quite literally depends on your participation.