Cover 3 Youth Football and Cheer League dissolves

Published 11:44 am Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Four days before its inaugural Reach, Teach, Feed Celebration, Cover 3 Foundation announced on Tuesday its youth football and cheer league is no more. Cover 3 Founder and CEO Greg Scott, a former defensive end in the National Football League, cited the lack of fundraising for the league’s disbanding.

A Bulldogs running back stiff arms a Tides defender last season. -- FILE PHOTO

A Bulldogs running back stiff arms a Tides defender last season. — FILE PHOTO

“This was a very tough decision, [but] as the leader of Cover 3, I had to make a decision that was suitable for the foundation,” Scott said. “In business, any program that has significant losses has to either improve or it will become non-existent.”

The Cover 3 Youth Football and Cheer League was created in 2010, as Scott was motivated to teach kids the proper way to play the game and build camaraderie and sportsmanship at an early age. Teams within the league blossomed, and by 2012, the Cover 3 Tides were competing with the best teams in the country, winning the American Youth Football National Championship in Orlando, Florida.

The Franklin Little League Board of Directors saw the success that Scott was having in Fredricksburg, where the league was initially located, and approached him about taking over their existing little league.

Moving into what would have been the league’s third year in Franklin, participation was at an all-time high in the city. Children between the ages of 6 and 14 were learning sportsmanship and safety measures while remaining physically active, as Scott, the NFL Foundation and Franklin-Southampton Charities backed the league financially.

“It was a joy to lead [the league as commissioner] for the past two seasons,” Scott said. “Moments were creating during these years will never be forgotten.”

The final season of the Cover 3 Youth Football and Cheer League was overshadowed by an argument between Scott and a coach about uniforms that were purchased by the league. However, Scott said the incident played no role in the decision to dissolve the league.

In the meantime, Cover 3 will continue serve the Western Tidewater community through its after school and summer reading programs. The program provides nutritious snacks and meals to more than 3,000 children each day.

“Cover 3 Foundation looks forward to continuing to Reach, Teach and Feed thousands of children every day,” Scott said. “We thank those who supported the Cover 3 Youth Football and Cheer League, and those who support and will continue to support Cover 3 Foundation.”