Franklin candidates qualified and finalized

Published 11:31 am Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Candidates for Franklin’s upcoming elections in May had to have all their requirements complete and turned into the registrar by 7 p.m. on Tuesday to be considered a qualified candidate.

City of Franklin Registrar Jenifer Maynard announced on Tuesday night that the qualified candidates for the mayoral election and open seats on city council are as followed:


• Frank M. Rabil

• Greg McLemore

Ward 1:

• Barry W. Cheatham

Ward 2:

• Brenton D. “Benny” Burgess

Ward 4:

• Mona L Murphy

• Linwood W. Johnson

According to the Virginia Department of Elections, qualifications to be a candidate are that the candidate must be qualified to vote for and hold the office sought; a resident of the Commonwealth for one year immediately preceding the election; and a resident by the time of filing, of the City in which he/she offers for election [or has an application for registration, transfer or change of address on file in the general registrar’s office].

The documents that had to be filed by Tuesday evening for a candidate to be considered qualified were:

• Certification of Candidate Qualification;

• Declaration of Candidacy;

• Petition of Qualified Voters (must have at least 125);

• Statement of Economic Interests; and

• Statement of Organization.

The City of Franklin elections will take place on Tuesday, May 3.