Adult life lesson No. 237

Published 11:03 am Saturday, January 23, 2016

When I was little I loved the snow. Every time the weather man would say there was a chance for it, I would smile from ear to ear and anticipate that school would be cancelled.

All this week, everyone has been wondering what this particular storm would bring to the Western Tidewater.

The storm is finally here, and unfortunately, I’m annoyed by it.

Although it’s pretty to look at, it’s causing way more of headache than anything else.

Yes, schools are closed and the kids are happy. But for many of us, we still had to get up and go to work on Friday.

Now, the storm has arrived and what do you know, it’s not exactly what the weather channel was calling for.

If you had asked me on Thursday what the weather would look like for Friday, I would have told you we were going to have snow mixed with ice in the late morning hours and it would be raining by 3 p.m.

When I woke up on Friday, the weather forecast had changed once again.

The one inch of snow for the area that would quickly be washed away by the rain in the afternoon, turned into four to eight inches of snow, with ice over top of it, that could be washed away by Saturday morning.

Now, if this all was going on on Saturday and would be gone by Sunday, my little kid heart would still come out. I would be outside sledding, building a snowman and anything else I could think of.

Unfortunately, reality comes first though and I am inside writing this column for the weekend’s edition of the paper, meaning I have to remain inside and continue working and just reminisce on all the wonderful snow days I had as a kid.

However, this Winter Storm Jonas has made me realize one thing — once again, my parents were right about everything.

Growing up isn’t nearly as fun as it looks when you’re a child.

REBECCA CHAPPELL is a staff writer at The Tidewater News. She can be contacted at 562-3187 or