You can make Western Tidewater a better place to live

Published 1:44 pm Saturday, January 9, 2016

If you’re considering a resolution that doesn’t involve dieting, exercising or quitting a bad habit, then look no further than making a commitment to becoming more involved in Western Tidewater.

More specifically, we encourage you to regularly attend city council or supervisors meetings. Franklin will meet this Monday evening and again on the fourth. Isle of Wight Supervisors hold their meetings on the third of Thursday of month at 6 p.m. Windsor Council is on second Tuesdays at 7 p.m. And what do you know? Already we’re coming up on the second week of January. Such timing.

Southampton’s meeting is the fourth Monday of each month at the same time.

You don’t have to pay an admission fee; the locations are right in Franklin, Windsor and Courtland; the meetings rarely exceed a couple of hours; and, best of all, you get the opportunity to advise, question or even criticize council members about how your hometown is being run.

Meanwhile, Franklin and Isle of Wight ‘s school boards simultaneously meet on the second Thursday of each month, while Southampton’s meets the Monday prior.

Believe us when we say that the supervisors, council and school board members welcome your presence and input. That helps them do the work of making Western Tidewater an even better place to live.

Other ways to invest yourself are to become involved with a church, a civic group such as the Ruritans, the Friends of the Library, the fire or rescue squad, or perhaps volunteering at the schools. When the community center in Windsor becomes a reality, that’ll be another venue.

Think of the city, the town and the county as fabric: it’s only as strong as the individual threads, which are the people.