Looking back: Burrow summarizes traffic accidents

Published 1:29 pm Friday, December 18, 2015

Dec. 18, 1965

So far in 1965, there have been 161 automobile accidents in Franklin. According to Chief of Police Willie Burrow, this figure does not seem so high when you consider that traffic using both U.S. Routes 58 and 258 comes through Franklin.

Traffic through the streets of Franklin will be greatly reduced when the future Franklin by-pass is constructed. At the present time, huge volumes of traffic come through Franklin, from the east and west on U.S. route 58 and from the north and the south on U. S. route 258.

But, when the by-pass is built, the Franklin area’s retail economy will be greatly altered. A by-pass will tend to take traffic, and business, away from Franklin. A good part of the retail business sector will be challenged to respond.

Trucks of all kinds and, of course, automobiles, not only localized and regional traffic but also traffic from Interstate Highways 95 and 85 exiting onto U.S. Route 58 heading toward the Norfolk area, come through Franklin. U.S. Route 58 serves as a connector between the Interstate highways and the Norfolk area. And, area highways serve as conduits to the new Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel.

In regard to traffic accidents, most of them are minor because of speed limits in the city limits. At the present time, and for the last several years, the area in Franklin with the most traffic accidents is the intersection of Franklin Street and Fourth Avenue. Of course, Fourth Avenue is a part of U. S. Route 58 through Franklin.

The Tidewater News offset press installed

A new and modern press, a three-unit Goss Community, has been installed in The Tidewater News building at 200 East Second Avenue in Franklin. The Tidewater News and all other newspapers published by Franklin News Publishing Corporation, also known as Byerly Publications, are now being printed on the new press. The newspapers: The Tidewater News, Brunswick Times-Gazette, Chesapeake Post, Independent Messenger, Virginia Beach Sun, Dinwiddie Monitor, Portsmouth Times and The Petersburg Monitor.

The installation completes a total conversion to the offset printing method started by Franklin News Publishing Corporation last January. In announcing the completed installation of the 22,000 pound press, publisher Hanes Byerly said, “The complete conversion to offset will facilitate the continued growth of The Tidewater News and will allow us to increase our commercial printing production for customers in this area and in other markets. We look upon the future of the Franklin-Southampton community optimistically. All indicators point toward bigger and better things ahead for all of Tidewater. It is our desire to participate in this growth.”

The new webfed offset press will print 12,000 newspapers or circulars per hour.

John Thomas is in charge of printing operations.

Masonic Lodge installs officers

David C. Councill Jr. was elected Worshipful Master of the Franklin Lodge 151 A.F. and A.M. at the December meeting held Thursday night in the Masonic Hall on Main Street in Franklin. Past District Deputy Grand Master, Edward F. Spivey, was in charge of installation of new officers. Past Master R. H. Allen, acting as Marshall, and Past Master Herman L. Critzer performed the installation.

Officers installed were Edwin W. Beale, Chaplain; James M. Duke, Senior Warden; David C. Councill Jr., Worshipful Master; Ralph W. McMurtrey, Junior Warden; William F. Worrell, Tiler; Joseph T. Stuart, Secretary; E.B. Weeks, Stewart; C.H. Jones, Treasurer; Norfleet Griffin, Stewart; Daniel T. Rideout, Junior Deacon; Edward F. Spivey, Assistant Secretary; and Hursell M. Fowler, Senior Deacon.

Franklin Jaycees gearing up for ‘OMC’

The Franklin Jaycees are gearing up for their annual “Operation Merry Christmas” project which guarantees that children in the Franklin area will have a merry Christmas.

On Monday night, from 7 to 9 PM, an open house will be held at “OMC” headquarters at 102 East Fourth Avenue, next door to the “Franklin Theater.”

The other day, a drop-in by a Tidewater News reporter found Wilford Askew, John Underwood and Franklin Gray busy repairing toys that were donated for reuse.

CLYDE PARKER is a retired human resources manager for the former Franklin Equipment Co. and a member of the Southampton County Historical Society. His email address is magnolia101@charter.net