Southampton FFA captures awards at state fair
Published 2:13 pm Thursday, November 19, 2015

Students in Chad Brock’s agriculture program prepare the hydroponics table with lettuce seedlings. This is Southampton’s second year teaching hydroponics.
Dr. Alvera J. Parrish, superintendent of Southampton County Public Schools, announced at Monday evening’s school board meeting that several Southampton Technical Career Center students won awards at the Virginia State Fair in early October.
“A lot of hard work [went into this],” agriculture teacher Chad Brock said. “We go back to school about three weeks later than the schools we compete against, so a lot of hard work went into a very condensed amount of time to get this kids ready.”
Students demonstrated the skills that they acquired in the agriculture program and in Future Farmers of America and competed in crop judging, junior foresters, livestock judging, law tractor safety and forestry field events. Southampton won 12 awards, and place in the top three in the state in several categories. Winners included Lee Johnson, third place in livestock knowledge skill-a-thon; Hannah Reedy, second place in heifer senior showmanship and junior Hereford breeding stock class; and Tyler Burgess, first place in lawn tractor safety.
“We’re extra happy and proud to announce that having won first place in Virginia, Tyler will compete at the national competition at Purdue University next year,” Parrish said. “Mr. Brock does so many great things with the students, and we’re just excited about the forward movement of that program under his leadership.”
Brock thanked the school board and administration for their support, but also jokingly admitted he was happy the fair is in the rear view mirror.
“I never thought I’d get sick of going to the state fair, but I got sick of going to the state fair,” he said.