Riverkeeper report: Riverkeeper double-stuff

Published 12:07 pm Saturday, November 7, 2015

Persimmons were found growing on the Blackwater River, and were ripened for eating. -- SUBMITTED | Jeff Turner

Persimmons were found growing on the Blackwater River, and were ripened for eating. — SUBMITTED | Jeff Turner

This is a twofer report. Spirit of Moonpie and I spent the 23rd Oct. through the 25th on the Blackwater below Franklin, then spent the 29th through the 31st on the Nottoway below Delaware.

On the first leg, the Blackwater was 58 degrees and air temps ranged from 48 to 72. Trash was bountiful.

We did not fish for catfish, but caught 8 bass to 1 and a half pounds. Most caught on a No. 2 Mepps Minnow. Very uneventful trip, which is good! Very nice weather and I found a persimmon tree that I took a chance on and tasted the fruit. Luckily for me they were ready to eat and did not turn my mouth wrong side outwards. I kept some seeds and am going to try to get them to grow me a couple of the trees.

On the second leg of the trip, we caught a lot of fish in the Nottoway. Once again I left the catfish alone, just tired of cleaning so many fish and putting up with all that blood in the boat.

Seriously, last catfish trip I had to use the bilge pump to pump blood out of the boat. It turned the river red around the boat there was so much diluted blood accumulated.

Anyway, yea, I caught a bunch of largemouth to 5.6 pounds. Another fish weighed a little over 3. All were caught on an A.C. shiner or No. 3 Mepps Minnow.

Trash was pretty light on the Nottoway, though I did pick up more than normal. It was a very nice trip with the temps ranging from 40 to 72 degrees and water temps had risen back to 62 degrees. The leaves on the river are really pretty right now; I think they will peak in another week.

Hard to guess on that event, but regardless, if you have the chance you should get out on one of the two rivers we call the Nottoway and Blackwater and take in the beauty the good Lord has bestowed on us.

JEFF TURNER is the Blackwater/Nottoway Riverkeeper. He can be reached at blknotkpr@earthlink.net.