Camp Parkway hearing not yet scheduled

Published 9:52 am Thursday, November 5, 2015

According to Deputy Director of Community Development Beth Lewis, the Southampton County Planning Commission will not have a public hearing in November regarding the possible development along Camp Parkway.

“Prior to scheduling a public hearing, a complete application with all of the necessary requirements must be submitted,” Lewis said. “Per state law, a traffic study must be submitted and reviewed by [the Virginia Department of Transportation]. That study was submitted in September. VDOT reviewed it for their alloted 45 days, and sent the comments back requiring revisions to the study.”

Lewis explained that once those revisions are submitted, VDOT has another 45 days to review the study.

“Even if those revisions are submitted to VDOT today, and they have not been as far as I know, VDOT’s 45 days aren’t up until after the Dec. 10 planning commission meeting,” Lewis said.

If the comments on the revised traffic study are available prior to the deadline to schedule a public hearing for December, one will take place next month.

“Once I am confident the planning commission will have an approved traffic study from VDOT by their meeting date, I can, with some level of confidence, schedule a public hearing,” Lewis concluded. “The planning commission needs to have complete information so as to make their recommendation, and that traffic information is an essential element.”