Edwards, Porter, Cooke win in Southampton; Acree takes seat in Windsor

Published 8:54 am Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Top row: Southampton County. Bottom row: Isle of Wight County

Top row: Southampton County. Bottom row: Isle of Wight County

Incumbent Southampton County Supervisors Dr. Alan Edwards for Jerusalem District, and Barry Porter for the Franklin-Hunterdale District, retained their positions against challengers Yvonne Rose and Earva Sumblin, respectively. For Newsoms, challenger Randolph Cooke won over Glenn Updike.

Southampton County Assistant Registrar Lynn Burgess reported the following numbers at 10 p.m., and stressed these are “very unofficial.”

Edwards had 412 votes to Rose’s 205; Porter had 376 votes to Sumblin’s 148; and Cooke had 202 votes to Updike’s 198. Supervisors Dallas Jones (123 votes), Ronald West (279), Carl Faison (285) and Bruce Phillips (268) were all unopposed.

Earlier at 5 p.m., Burgess described the voter turnout as “medium,” based on what she and Registrar Peggy Davis had been hearing from many of the polls.

With three of the Southampton seats being challenged, it was not possible then to estimate how soon results would come in.

“You never know how that will turn out,” Burgess said, adding there are new voting machines that will required the polling officials to take special careful in counting.

“There could be a slight delay in getting the calls back in,” she said. As of 9:15 p.m., the office was still waiting for one precinct to report before it could post results onto the state electoral board’s website.

By approximately 8:30 p.m. in Isle of Wight County, incumbent Windsor Supervisor Delores “Dee Dee” Darden fell to challenger Joel Acree with her 438 votes (28.53 percent) to his 1,094 votes (71.27 percent) in the district’s four precincts.

Sheriff Mark Marshall stays in office with 6,569 votes (74.14 percent) to Russell Stephenson’s 2,280 votes (25.73 percent) in the county’s 15 precincts.

Georgette C. Phillips succeeds as the county’s Commonwealth’s Attorney with 5,275 votes (60.96 percent) to Jennifer Stanton’s 3,362 votes (38.85 percent) in the county’s 15 precincts.

Clerk of Circuit Court Sharon N. Jones, Commissioner of Revenue Gerald Gwaltney; Windsor School Board member Julia Perkins and County Treasurer Judith Wells were all unopposed for their positions.

The results posted on the state’s electoral board website are unofficial until registrars in each locality can verify them.