Vote for the future

Published 1:00 pm Saturday, October 31, 2015

Editor’s note: This letter in support of candidates were received before the announced Wednesday deadline, but were not published in time because of a clerical oversight.

To the Editor:

This letter is to encourage the townspeople of Newsoms to get out and cast your vote for Randolph Cook. He is a great family man; he has served the town of Newsoms in so many ways. Not only Newsoms, but he is on so many boards one can’t keep count of. However he will always have the time for his friends and neighbors.

He is used to budgeting millions of dollars in his current job. He is the right man for this job, he cares for all the farmers, and is very big on our local education, for the students as well as the teachers. So come Nov. 3, be sure you cast your vote, and let’s put Randolph Cook on the Board of Supervisors for the Newsoms district.

Derrick Ledbetter