Thanks for the opportunity to hear the candidates

Published 1:02 pm Saturday, October 31, 2015

Editor’s note: This letter in support of candidates were received before the announced Wednesday deadline, but were not published in time because of a clerical oversight.

To the Editor:

Tony, thanks to you and the Tiderwater News for sponsoring the Board of Supervisors forum. Giving citizens an opportunity to hear the candidates views on important issues. Great job!

Though I cannot vote in any of the contested races, I do have an opinion on which candidates would best serve the county.

Jerusalem District : Incumbent Dr. Alan Edwards vs. D. Yvonne Rose.

For me this would be the easiest choice of the three races. To protect our public schools, to insure our children’s right to the best education possible, I endorse D. Yvonne Rose for election to the Board of Supervisors.

Franklin-Hunterdale District : Incumbent Barry Porter vs. Earva Sumblin.

Barry Porter is deeply involved in two projects that are very important to the county. Shared services with the City of Franklin and solid waste disposal. Barry has also shown support for our schools.

I endorse Barry Porter for reelection to the Board of Supervisors.

Newsoms District : Incumbent Glenn Updike vs. Randolph Cook.

Based on their comments at the forum, I could not tell much difference in these two gentlemen’s position on the issues. Though Glenn has not shown support for our schools, he has shown that he will defend his positions on the issues, even if it means going against the rest of the Board.

I endorse Glenn Updike for reelection to the Board of Supervisors.

I would also like to thank the present members of the Board of Supervisors for their service to the county.

John Burchett