Del. Roslyn Tyler works with, for all people

Published 12:35 pm Saturday, October 24, 2015

To the Editor:

As we face the upcoming election on Nov. 3, 2015, I want to inform voters that Del. Roslyn Tyler, who represents the 75th District to the House of Representatives, is running re-election without an opponent. Voters are given the responsibility to select the right person to represent them in Richmond and have done so since 2005. Del. Tyler has served the 75th District for 10 years with dignity and truthfulness. Her days and most nights are filled serving the constituents in the eight counties and two cities that make up the 75th District. She portrays that special pride voters look for in a candidate, a candidate that will represent them in Richmond.

Del. Tyler continues to work with all people regardless of their political views, and gives each cause and situation her all to help that one that is in need. She has the respect of the senators and delegates on both sides of the aisle. When she speaks for her constituents from the 75th District, as well as all citizens in the Commonwealth of Virginia, they listen because they believe in her honesty.

Del. Tyler is a bi-partisan delegate who will continue working to promote Christian and family values and fight for those same values for her family, as well as for everyone in Virginia. She is a strong rural legislator and advocates for rural Virginia, visiting farmers throughout the district, and enjoys all of her visits because she is a farm girl at heart.

During this past 2015 General Assembly session Del. Tyler presented legislation that passed and signed by the Governor:

• She presented legislation that will allow all disabled veterans with service connected disability to purchase a disabled license plate.

• She presented legislation which will conform the state code to allow all Board of Supervisors and municipalities to approve their school budget by May 15th of each year.

• In Brunswick County the state has approved a parcel of land that was owned by the Department of Corrections to the Town of Lawrenceville to maintain their water booster and storage tank for future economic development.

• Additionally, Del, Tyler’s budget amendment was included in the state budget to restore the revenue of $190,000 for the coyote control program that is a serious problem in our rural counties.

Del. Tyler is a strong advocate of hunting and sportsmen’s rights because it is a way of life in Southside Virginia. She will continue to fight to protect hunters rights. She believes that everyone who carries a weapon should have a complete background check before the purchase of a weapon is made. This protects everyone — don’t you want the same? Del. Tyler will continue to work to improve the quality of life within the rural counties she presents.

Del. Tyler serves on the Education Committee and supports legislation to support increased funding for education, increasing salaries for teachers because they are teaching and helping to raise the children who are our future.

She continues to work with the National Coalition of Public Safety Officers to make their jobs easier trying to get safer laws for the officers, as well as better pay. It is a hard battle in Richmond to make them see and most of all understand that our safety officers protect us daily in correctional facilities as well as on the streets of our state.

The one thing that continues to be important to all of us is health care. She will continue to work forward to make health care affordable for seniors, working families and small businesses within the Commonwealth. She supports low taxes, limited government regulations, and fiscal accountability and will continue to support each of you for the next two years as she has always done.

So stand up with me, help yourself, your family and all grandchildren that are here today — and who will be born tomorrow — and get out there and vote.

Mary Beth Washington
Boykins, Virginia