Why even bother having elections?

Published 12:08 pm Friday, October 23, 2015

The majority of Southampton County’s population was conspicuous by its absence at the candidates’ forum on Tuesday evening in Southampton High School.

We estimate 75 people were interested enough to make the time to learn more about the people running for office. After all, they’ll be deciding the county’s future for the next several years.

Of those in the audience, many were other supervisors, families and friends of the candidates or familiar faces at regular meetings.

Granted, there are many residents who could not attend for very good reasons: Because they’re farmers quickly having to harvest their fields; they’re officers maintaining law and order; or emergency medical personnel answering calls for help.

All that being said, though, beginning today we’re offering a transcription of what questions were asked and what was said. The series continues on Sunday and next Wednesday. Keep in mind that we’re doing this for the sake of those who couldn’t attend, not those who wouldn’t bother to show up.