Breast cancer support group meets in Franklin

Published 11:51 am Saturday, October 17, 2015

To the Editor:

There is a Breast Cancer Support group in Franklin. We meet at 7:00 p.m., the second Thursday of each month at Southampton Memorial Hospital. In our group we sometimes just talk amongst ourselves, and sometimes we invite guest speakers to come to inform and update us on what is new out there. We are a small group from the Southampton, Franklin and Holland areas and we want people in our communities to know we are here for them.

This group was founded by Suzette Greger in December of 2004. She fought Breast Cancer from October 2003 until March 2011. She did a speech at the Healthy Woman’s Conference and I am going to quote three of her statements. First, “I decided to start a Breast Cancer Support Group to reach out to other women and give back to the community I love so much.”

The second is, “What got me through these tough times was my attitude, my family, my friends, my relationship with God and the great friendships I found through my support group.” And the final one is, “I found love and made friendships in my group I would not have made otherwise. I’ve found joy in the time we spend together and have learned so much about the human spirit. I’ve seen unimaginable strength and courage; I’ve witnessed changes in others and in myself. We cry together, laugh together and get mad together at this disease and the path of destruction it takes. We are always there for each other.”

We as a group feel that everything she started this for, is everything we all feel is important to our group today. We stand by her courage and want others to know who we are and what we stand for. Please remember we are in this together and we are here for you. Again we meet at 7 p.m., the second Thursday of each month at Southampton Memorial Hospital. We hope to see you there.

Trisha Mulder