Meet the candidates

Published 10:24 am Wednesday, October 7, 2015

On the front page of today’s newspaper, we announced the date of a candidate forum for those seeking a position on the Southampton County Board of Supervisors. The Tidewater News is coordinating the event, which will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 20, in the Southampton High School auditorium and will begin at 7 p.m. Tony Clark, the newspaper’s publisher, will moderate the discussion.

Of the seven districts on the board, only the Jerusalem, Franklin and Newsoms seats are being contested. The incumbent in the Jerusalem district, Dr. Alan Edwards, is being opposed by Yvonne Rose. Franklin-Hunterdale district incumbent Barry Porter is being challenged by Earva Sumblin. Newsoms district supervisor Glenn Updike is being taken on by Randolph Cook.

The forum will be an excellent opportunity for voters to get to know those who seek to determine the county’s future, and gain a better understanding of the candidates’ positions on the issues facing the county. But such an event is only worthwhile if those who will most directly benefit from such a discussion — the county’s voters — take the time to come and hear what the candidates have to say.