Get in the car and drive

Published 11:24 am Saturday, September 19, 2015

It is all but impossible to function in today’s society without a personal vehicle. While that may not be the case in large cities with public transportation or for those fortunate few who live within walking distance of where they’re going, it is especially true in rural regions like Western Tidewater. Driving to and from work, to drop our kids off at school or to the store for groceries and other errands is a necessity, and we rarely think about getting in the car and driving somewhere just for the fun of it.

That’s why the continuous drop in gasoline prices are a welcome sight. Sure, there are those that think lower prices at the pump will hurt our economy in the long run, but we’d argue that lower gas price are good for the local business and residents who can save or spend a little more on other goods. It’s become a relief to not have to dig so far in our own pockets just to move the needle off of empty.

Here in Western Tidewater, you can fill up a 11-gallon tank for less than $20. We haven’t been able to do that since gas prices were around $1.48 per gallon in January 2009. But while it’s safe to assume this trend will continue or hold steady for the immediate and foreseeable future, we must keep in mind that every reaction has an equal or opposite reaction. The day will come when gas prices will go up again, and it’s not a matter of if, but when.

So this weekend, don’t squander the opportunities that come along with having a little bit of financial relief because of lower gas prices. Enjoy those extra few dollars left over after you fill up and get in the car and drive.