Community participation

Published 11:23 am Saturday, September 19, 2015

To the Editor:

I want to thank everyone who came out to our concert series this summer and made it even bigger and better than last year. We had some great concerts, great food and great weather. Events like these are a great opportunity to get out and meet your neighbors from across the street and from across town. One of the great joys of small town living is having a relationship with your neighbors, knowing that when you need something, they will be there for you.

As Town Manager, one of my focuses is to help promote the sense of community that we all share. I want to assure the residents of Windsor that my door is always open and anyone can stop by and see me anytime and for anything. It is one of my goals to make sure that everyone has access to information and has the ability to provide input. We strive to keep our website up to date and to put information out to the public as much as possible. We use social media to provide as much access to Town announcements as possible.

I would encourage all of you to find a way to participate in your community, whether it is coming out to a community function, volunteering with a local civic group, providing feedback via our Facebook page or coming out to a Town Council or Planning Commission meeting. We can only be responsive to your feedback if you give it to us. We are here to ensure that Windsor is a great place to live, work and play for all of its residents.

Michael Stallings
Windsor Town Manager