County supervisor fights for health, re-election

Published 10:35 am Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Southampton County Board of Supervisors member Barry T. Porter recently had melanoma skin cancer removed from his right jaw, but he said that it won’t affect his duties to the board.

“It won’t affect my actual performance because of how I schedule things,” the representative to the Franklin-Hunterdale District said. “I have a very flexible schedule and I won’t miss any meetings.”

Porter, 67, first found out of the diagnoses on Aug. 31, and that he immediately saw an oncologist.

“Within nine days, it was done,” he said. “It was a very quick, aggressive approach and the prognosis is positive.”

Various lab tests, including a full-body CT/PET scan, chest x-rays, MRI brain scan and lymph node biopsy, indicated no evidence of the tumor spreading beyond the primary site.

As a precautionary measure, Porter will receive a course of radiation treatments to the excised area in order to minimize the chance for a recurrence of the tumor.

“I have to go to Hampton five days each week for a two-minute treatment for a five or six week period,” Porter said.

“I’m disappointed because I was planning to visit with my constituents and I won’t be able to do so like I planned between now and elections.”

Porter added that in lieu of his lesser availability to meet can call or email him at 562-9862 or

“I hope they’ll understand,” he said.

Porter is actively seeking reelection to the board of supervisors, and he will be challenged on the November ballot by Earva Sumblin.