Spider lilies weave spell of beauty

Published 12:21 pm Saturday, September 12, 2015

Toni and Billy Phillips of Franklin shared this photo of spider lilies growing in their garden. -- SUBMITTED

Toni and Billy Phillips of Franklin shared this photo of spider lilies growing in their garden. — SUBMITTED

According to Better Homes and Gardens, spider lilies are some of the most magical bulbs of the season because they pop up almost overnight.

Hundreds of these bulbs have made an appearance in the backyard of Toni and Billy Phillips, located in downtown Franklin.

The homeowners said that the lilies started popping up three years ago, but this is the most abundant amount they have ever seen in their backyard.

“They start out looking like an asparagus plant and then they grow into this beautiful flower,” Billy said. “They start blooming in late August and last about two weeks.”

“It is such a surprise to see them poke through the ground with no sign of foliage,” Toni added. “The foliage appears in the winter and dies in the summer.”

They both said that when they moved into their house about 11 years ago, their backyard looked a lot like a jungle wasteland.

After a lot of cleaning and redoing the yard, they found out that underneath a carpet of ivy the yard was full of daffodils, various kinds of lilies, iris, tulips and an abandoned rose garden.

Many of the spider lilies are becoming past their prime now for the season, but the Phillips are expecting them to appear again next year, perhaps even more than this year.