People look out for one another

Published 10:39 am Wednesday, September 9, 2015

To the Editor:

While replacing a shopping cart in the Walmart parking lot Wednesday afternoon, I was approached by a male stranger who appeared rather disheveled and distraught. He began animatedly relating to me his various health problems and was rather insistent on trying to show me some of his physical scars. I told him that would be a bit inappropriate, but I understood his misfortune. After listening and verbally sympathizing with him for approximately 10 minutes, I told him he would feel some better with a good meal and gave him money for such. He was overly thankful, and as he headed back into Walmart I returned to my car.

Unbeknowst to me, another gentleman in the parking lot, very near by, was observing the aforementioned interaction.

He then introduced himself to me and said he had been watching over me during that engagement. He knew the other individual and of his record of various illegal activities, and wanted to make sure I was OK and not the victim of a purse-snatching or anything else.

This kind gentleman stopped and interrupted his agenda to stand by for a complete stranger, in case of need. So here’s a “shout-out” and a “thank you” to Mr. Bobby Caulder” for his kindness and thoughtfulness! (In case I got the name wrong, I believe this Mr. Caulder works at the airport.)

“Ain’t” the folks of our community just great!

Faith Atkinson