Treasurer’s office earns accreditation again

Published 9:52 am Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Franklin City Treasurer’s Office has been awarded the Office Accreditation from the Treasurer’s Association of Virginia for the second-consecutive year. The recognition is given annually to offices that meet all the core and desirable criteria established by the Treasurer’s Association of Virginia as statewide standards of performance.

During the city council meeting on Monday night, City Manager Randy Martin talked about how good the accreditation looked on the city. Mayor Raystine Johnson-Ashburn said to Treasurer Dinah Babb, “Your council appreciates you and your staff’s efforts. We are very proud of you and the proof is in the pudding with the figures you gave us last meeting. We just appreciate you and please pass that on to your entire staff.”

Some of the criteria that must be met by the treasurer’s office in order to receive accreditation are:

• The treasurer must have received the Master Governmental Treasurer’s Certificate by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia;

• The minimum number of current employees must be actively enrolled in the Certified Government Deputy Treasurer program administered by the Weldon Cooper Center;

• The office must have developed and implemented written policies consistent with applicable federal and state laws; and

• The most recent outside audit of the office reports no finding of material financial weakness; and

• All bank statements for a month are reconciled within 60 days of the close of that month.

Treasurer Dinah Babb stated that she and the rest of the office work very hard and will continue working very hard to make sure they can get this accreditation every year.